Rachel Keyserlingk

Rachel Keyserlingk

United Kingdom, London, UK
Consultant at Frontier Economics
Profession: Adviser / Consultant
Industry: Competition


Rachel is an economist with a wealth of experience in merger and antitrust cases in the consumer goods, retail, financial and other industries before national competition authorities and the European Commission. Prior to joining Frontier, she worked for the European Commission, handling antitrust cases in the food supply chain. Rachel also has a strong interest in sustainability issues. She has worked on a pro bono engagement for the Wildlife Trusts on methods for valuing biodiversity.


English, French, German


Abuse of DominanceAntitrustCartelsCompetition PolicyEU antitrust LitigationInvestigationsMergers


Frontier Economics

Consultant at Frontier Economics

October 2021 - Present • London, United Kingdom

Rachel enjoys applying logic and creativity to complex economic problems in order to develop practical solutions that meet clients’ needs. Her natural curiosity for learning about new topics allows her to bring energy and intellectual rigour to her analysis across a diverse range of sectors and issues.

Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

Case Handler at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

3 years • October 2014 - October 2017 • Brussels, Belgium

Case Handler working as part of the Food Task Force on antitrust issues throughout the food supply chain. Special focus on supermarket sector.


University of Cologne

Masters in the Environmental Sciences, with focus on environmental economics, methods for quantifying non-market services and environmental regulation for business.

Birkbeck College, University of London

Masters in Economics

School of Oriental and African Studies

Graduate Diploma in Economics

King's College, University of London

Bachelors of Music

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